What’s your appeal success rate?
Our success rate is very high. But that’s because our chatbot, Sam, assesses you first, and only writes your appeal if he believes you meet the relevant leniency requirements.
How clever is the chatbot?
As clever as an expert human. Chatbot Sam knows all 100 reasons for appealing (such as a permit that fell off the windscreen or a mis-typed number plate in RingGo). He knows the leniency rules – there are hundreds – that apply to these reasons. And he knows all 90 offences (or ‘contraventions’) – these affect the outcome too.
Why won’t the chatbot write my appeal?
Because chatbot Sam, having questioned you, doesn’t think you meet the relevant leniency rules. He only writes appeals for people if he thinks they meet the relevant leniency requirements. But you’re free to write your own appeal and submit it to the council.
Which type of fines can you help with?
Currently, we can help if you have a Penalty Charge Notice issued by a council.
Who are Fair Appeals?
We’re a team with over 75 years’ experience in the parking sector. We understand that appeals are complex, stressful and a bit of a mystery for drivers. This creates work for councils too. We’re here to bridge that gap – and make appeals simpler, clearer and fairer for all.
Is there a cost?
For now, it’s new and it’s free.